Ensure you're audit-ready by having all of 'Items' digitally onboard and all in the one place
Make life easier by having all your important everything in one place.
Think of our Inventory section as the 'Dropbox' or 'Google Drive' of your vessel. Nothing is more embarrassing than having a Maritime Official in front of you but not being able to find a vessel certificate! Even worse, you've found it, but it's expired! And let's face it, another recording process is the last thing you need.
SeaLogs Inventory & Tasks section will make your life easier because having all your items located in one place.
Safety Equipment items
Spare Parts list
Company Manuals
Vessel Manuals
Survey Plans and Reports
Machinery details
Historic Events
and more
Input Details
Record details such as item descriptions, the location onboard, quantity, part numbers, and cost details.
You can also add links to reference sites or training videos, upload images, instruction manuals, reference documentation, and more using the reporting features of SeaLogs.
Group Items
Having lots of items can feel overwhelming if everything is not properly organised. No need to worry! We have a simple process that makes it easy to group items into categories so you can search easily and quickly find the specific item you need.
Link Items with Suppliers
It's great to have a list of items onboard, but it's even better to have a record of where each item comes from.
Link items with suppliers so it's easy to find all the contact information like addresses, website references, contact numbers, and key personnel details whenever you need a replacement. All the information you need is right in front of you!